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  • Can I use my Freedom Box CD-Rom on the library computers?

    Yes. The Freedom Box software will work on our computers that have sound cards and CD-ROM drives. If you are using it on one of our computers that has the JAWS software, you will NOT need to bring up JAWS itself.

  • How can I find close-captioned videos?

    To find close-captioned videos: from the home page of the catalog, choose keyword search. Type in "hearing impaired" and you will get a list of closed-captioned videos, most recent first. To narrow the search, click on Advanced Search from the home page and combine "hearing impaired" as a subject search with any other subject, title,…

  • How can I find audio-described videos for the visually impaired?

    To find descriptive videos: from the home page of the catalog, type "descriptive video" into the keyword search box. This will provide you with a list of videos for people with visual disabilities, most recent first. View a full list of the titles.

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North Orange Branch Closure

North Orange Branch is closed for repair. A date for reopening has yet to be established. Learn more about the North Orange
Branch closing >