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  • Who decided what changes to make in the catalog?

    Our redesign team has a wide variety of skills and backgrounds related to web and integrated library systems. In addition, we sought out insights from patrons through our beta tester team, staff members and the library administration. They provided feedback on the appearance, language and content of the redesigned catalog throughout the planning and development…

  • Why doesn’t the catalog redesign include improvements to processes or functionality?

    As much as we'd like to improve some of the processes and workflows in the catalog, we do not have complete development access to the catalog system in order to make those types of adjustments. As it is, we're able to make significant changes to the look and language of the catalog to help improve…

  • Why did the catalog change?

    It's been many years since the launch of the current version of the catalog. Last year, an academic library system successfully demonstrated that a recent release of themes from our catalog vendor could be customized to provide a responsive site to users. ("Responsive," meaning the full catalog could be experienced from a phone or tablet,…

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North Orange Branch Closure

North Orange Branch is closed for repair. A date for reopening has yet to be established. Learn more about the North Orange
Branch closing >