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  • What is the Bookeye scanner?

    The KIC Bookeye scanner offers users a simple way to scan and save their images or documents.  The scanner has moveable cradles for the left and right sides of books. The scanner can be left flat, or raised for gentle handling of books or other types of bound or fragile material that flat scanners may…

  • What is the price to have an image scanned?

    Free. Scans can be saved to a portable device provided by the customer or emailed.

  • Where can I get an image scanned?

    All locations including branches and the Technology and Education Center at the Orlando Public Library have scanners available to scan images for customers. Scans are free and can be saved to a portable device provided by the customer.

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North Orange Branch Closure

North Orange Branch is closed for repair. A date for reopening has yet to be established. Learn more about the North Orange
Branch closing >