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  • Advanced Searching the Catalog

    Multiple Words When searching multiple words the system will automatically supply the Boolean "and" operator between each word; multiple words entered for the search will all occur somewhere in the retrieved records though not necessarily in the order entered. Both examples on the right will retrieve the same results. Examples Using multiple words: slow cooker…

  • Searching the Catalog

    Type the keyword you want to find. For example: design bleachers grisham Search Tips Wildcards     Words may be right-hand truncated using an asterisk ('*') in place of other characters. The '*' wildcard may also be embedded in a search string. You may use '?' to replace a single character anywhere within a word. Examples:…

  • Why do I get a “page cannot be displayed” error when I use my back button in the catalog?

    We recommend that you use the navigation buttons within the catalog (and not your browser) for best results when searching the catalog.

  • What is the OPAC?

    OPAC is the generic term used to refer to any library’s online catalog. OPAC stands for Online Public Access Catalog.

  • What is “Other Resources?”

    There are two places you may encounter an “Other Resources” link:   Other Resources (top of your search results page) searches multiple databases, Internet sources, and search engines for the words you entered in your search.   Other Resources (within the item entry listing) searches databases, Internet sources and search engines based subject descriptors for the…

  • What is a Genre search?

    With a Genre Search, you can select a genre to browse through by typing in the abbreviation for that genre. For example, Mystery is abbreviated MYS, Romance-ROM, Science Fiction-SCIF, Suspense Fiction-SUS, or Western-WES.

  • What does the Modify Search button do?

    When you perform a keyword search, you are given the option to Modify Search. Choosing this option will take you to an Advanced Keyword Search screen where you may enter additional information to narrow your search further.

  • I’d like to know if you have a book available in both Spanish and English. How can I search for this at the same time?

    You can search for items in multiple languages by using Advanced Search. From the Advanced Search, enter the title, author, or subject in the upper search boxes. You can search for multiple languages for the item by holding down the Control (Ctrl) key and clicking on all the languages you want listed in the Language…

  • I listen to a lot of audiobooks, and I’m not particular about the format. How can I search for books on CD and downloadable audiobooks in one search?

    You can to search for items in multiple formats at one time, using Advanced Search. From the Advanced Search screen, enter the title, author, or subject in the upper search boxes. In the Material Types search box under Add Filters, you can select the particular formats in which you are interested, such as CD Book…

  • How can I tell if the branch or branches closest to me have the title I want?

    From the Advanced Search screen off the homepage of the catalog, you can select multiple Library locations in your search. Enter the title, author, or subject for the item you are looking for and select the locations you would like to include in your search by holding down the Control (Ctrl) key and clicking on…

  • How can I see the latest book an author has written?

    There are two ways to find the latest title released from an author: From the home page of the catalog, select Author from the drop-down menu next to the search box. Enter the author’s name (last name, first name) and click the Go button. On the search results page, select Reverse Year from the drop-down…

  • How can I search by format?

    There are two ways to search by format: On the home page of the catalog, click on Advanced Search. On the Advanced Search screen, you will notice a search box labeled “Material Type”. Use the drop down menu to select the type of format you want to search by, such as DVD Entertainment, Music on…

  • How can I find items in different languages?

    To find items in Spanish, French, Vietnamese, and Haitian, on the home page of the catalog, click on Advanced Search. On the Advanced Search screen under Add Filters, use the Language drop down menu to select the language you for which you want to search.

  • How do I save a search? (What is a Preferred Search?)

    Saving Your Searches If you have a favorite author or subject for which you often search when using the catalog, you can save the search with the click of a button. This will prevent you from having to key in the search each time and let you place reserves on new materials quicker. How to:…

  • How many Preferred Searches can I have?

    There is a limit of 100 Preferred Searches. Once you have reached 100, the Preferred Search button will no longer be available as you search the catalog.

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Branch Closures

North Orange Branch is closed for repair, with an undetermined reopening date. Fairview Shores Branch will close Monday, September 9, for minor improvements. Learn more about the branch closures >