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  • Chilton Library

      This resource offers step-by-step instructions, photos, diagrams, and much more for automobile repair and maintenance. It is simple enough for the do-it-yourself mechanic but comprehensive enough for professional technicians. Consumers with older vehicles will find its expansive resources helpful for keeping their vehicles running and extending service life. It also includes repair information for some vintage makes, starting as early as 1940. The “Chilton” brand is recognized by consumers as a leading and reliable source for automotive repair information. Chilton Library is one of the best library resources for automotive repair information and is highly recommended by librarians.

      Features include:

      • Repair procedures for most domestic and international manufacturers and models
      • Detailed maintenance schedules with recommended service intervals
      • Vacuum and wiring diagrams, photos, and illustrations
      • Search vehicle recalls and Technical Service Bulletins
      • Identify trouble codes retrieved from a vehicle’s onboard computer
      • Monthly content updates
      • Printer-friendly articles and images

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    North Orange Branch Closure

    North Orange Branch is closed for repair. A date for reopening has yet to be established. Learn more about the North Orange
    Branch closing >