Articles & Databases by Subject
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Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine
Created specifically for students, knowledgeable consumer health researchers, and health care professionals, Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine includes information on a full range of health care topics. This database integrates millions of articles from a wide range of nursing and allied health journals, newspapers, magazines, newsletters and select consumer health information sources, and also includes videos demonstrating surgeries and other medical procedures.
Gale: Health and Wellness
Gale Health and Wellness is a comprehensive resource that provides integrated access to medical, statistical, health, and related information. Use this resource to find information about diabetes, cancer, obesity and depression, among other conditions. Also search within current topics in the news, drug and herbal remedies, health highlights, and health directories for accessing contact information for clinics, medical centers and foundations. Your search results are organized in an easy tab format and all sources are available for printing, e-mailing, and downloading.
Material from this database is intended for informational purposes only, and you are encouraged to consult with your own physician to discuss any course of treatment presented or suggested here.