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  • Enjoying Orlando Safely

    Enjoying Orlando Safely

    If you are like me, you are out of content to stream, tired of sitting at home and bored of cleaning your house. We all want to remain safe but have an ardent desire to go out and return to a bit of normalcy! Thankfully, there are some local Orlando spots that want that for…

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  • Preschool Fun: Dragons!

    Preschool Fun: Dragons!

    Since it’s a magical and mythological summer at Orange County Library System, let’s talk about dragons this week! Let’s start with some questions:  What does a dragon look like? What does a dragon sound like? Are dragons big or little?  Are they kind?  Read: Read any book you may have that mentions dragons. If you don’t…

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  • From the Director, July 2020

    From the Director, July 2020

    Every year, leading up to June, Orange County Library System makes a big push to let everyone know about our Summer Reading Program for children. There’s good reason for that – we spend so much time and effort crafting educational, fun and engaging programs for kids of all ages that we want everyone in the…

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  • #OCLSReads Books for Summer

    #OCLSReads Books for Summer

    Summer has arrived once again and it’s the best opportunity to catch up on some new and popular books as suggested by three of Orange County Library System’s Collection Development Librarians. Most of the suggested titles are available as e-books, digital audiobooks or through the library’s books-by-mail service (or all three!), so you can enjoy a…

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  • Remembering Kendrick B. Melrose

    Remembering Kendrick B. Melrose

    On April 16, 2012, Orange County Library System received the largest single private gift in its history when benefactor Kendrick B. Melrose donated $1 million in memory of his mother, Dorothy Lumley Melrose. The gift was used to enact the construction of The Dorothy Lumley Melrose Center for Technology, Innovation & Creativity, a space that…

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  • PreschoolFunOceanAnimals-01

    Preschool Fun: Ocean Animals!

    Let’s have some fun under the sea today!  Let’s start with some questions:  What are some ocean animals?  What does a dolphin sound like?  What’s your FAVORITE ocean animal?  Can you swim like a whale?    Now, let’s read a book! Read any book you may have that mentions ocean animals. If you don’t have…

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  • DIY: Pride Film Festival

    DIY: Pride Film Festival

    June is Pride Month in commemoration of the Stonewall Uprising in June of 1969. In recognition of this occasion, we have selected eight films for you to create a Pride film festival in your own living room or wherever you may be. No need to stop with our suggestions, there is a wealth of LGBT+…

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  • Our History Speaks Volumes: Light Waves Sculpture

    Our History Speaks Volumes: Light Waves Sculpture

    Created by artist Christopher Janney, Light Waves is a unique glass sculpture comprised of four colored bands that bathe the western facade of Orlando Public Library in different spectrums of color depending on the position of the sun. The sculpture also includes a series of touch plates which, when pressed in a specific order, will…

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  • Virtual Summer Reading Program

    The Adventure Comes to You!

    While our Summer Reading Program looks a bit different this year, staff are as committed as ever to putting their talents and creativity toward our new Virtual Summer Reading Program. Typically, we would encourage our families to come into our libraries to make crafts with us, to dance and sing with us, and to make memories with us over the summer. But given the still-present concerns about COVID-19, we are…

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  • 3ScienceExperiments-01

    Three Fun Science Experiments to Do at Home

    Science is an essential tool for understanding how the world works. It is the process of analyzing data through experimentation and predictions. It can also give a middle school student the ability to make a paper-mache volcano that can spew vinegar, baking soda, and food coloring all over a nice kitchen floor. In this article,…

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Labor Day Closure

Orange County Library System will be closed Sunday, September 1 and Monday, September 2 in observance of Labor Day. All locations will resume normal hours on Tuesday, September 3.

Branch Closures

North Orange Branch is closed for repair, with an undetermined reopening date. Fairview Shores Branch will close Monday, September 9, for minor improvements. Learn more about the branch closures >