Assistive Catalog and Internet Stations

All branch locations and the fourth floor of the Orlando Public Library house assistive vision stations that include JAWS for Windows, MAGic Screen Magnification, OpenBook, a 19-inch monitor, and a Braille keyboard:

  • Jaws for Windows is a software program that uses a speech synthesizer to read aloud all text that appears on the screen.
  • MAGic Screen Magnification is a screen magnification program that enlarges images and text that appear on the screen.
  • OpenBook allows you to convert printed documents or graphic based text into an electronic text format using accurate optical character recognition and quality speech.
  • In addition to these technologies, some internet stations feature Bigprint software which enlarges and enhances text.


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Branch Closures

North Orange Branch is closed for repair, with an undetermined reopening date. Fairview Shores Branch will close Monday, September 9, for minor improvements. Learn more about the branch closures >