What do I need to know about the upcoming changes at Eatonville Branch?

Eatonville Branch will undergo a refresh. While this exciting work is being completed, the branch will be closed. The branch’s book drops will continue to be available for returns only.

Location Closed Dates*
Eatonville Branch May 9-May 21

We invite you to visit another OCLS location until the branch reopens.

The locations below are the closest to the Eatonville location:

We ask you to be patient with us as we try to make this refresh a seamless process with minimal disruptions to service.

We look forward to seeing and serving you in our improved branch!

* Projected dates; subject to change.

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Branch Closures

North Orange Branch is closed for repair, with an undetermined reopening date. Fairview Shores Branch will close Monday, September 9, for minor improvements. Learn more about the branch closures >