What is hoopla Movies & Television?

Want to watch videos all day? Try Hoopla Movies & Television! You’ll get full-length motion pictures, documentaries, foreign films, artistic independent films and episodic television programming. You will also find educational videos and how-to-videos, such as foreign language training, potty training for your young children and SAT or GMAT training. Videos that not only entertain, but educate as well.

You can access hoopla videos through Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari web browsers. You can also download the hoopla app: App Store | Google Play | Kindle Fire HDX.

All video titles are always available and check out for 3 days! You can checkout 10 hoopla titles (audiobook, music album, movie, television episode) per month.

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North Orange Branch Closure

North Orange Branch is closed for repair. A date for reopening has yet to be established. Learn more about the North Orange
Branch closing >