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  • Materials for those with print disabilities

    Books on CD Descriptive videos (These are videos in which key visual events are narrated. Learn more.) Large print books/periodicals

  • Equipment for those with print disabilities

    Magnifying lenses Enlarging photocopiers which can produce large-print versions of copies

  • LEAP (Library eBook Accessibility Program)

    Through our downloadable media service, OverDrive, our resident patrons may qualify for LEAP. This service provides DAISY and Braille formats that can be read with computers, assistive reading devices, Braille printers, and even MP3 players, free Victor Reader Soft and Read:OutLoud reading software that you can install onto your home computer. Please note this service…

  • Bookshare

    Bookshare provides access to over 300,000 titles that are specifically designed for users with print disabilities. International and U.S. publishers consistantly provide Bookshare with the latest content so that users with print disabilities have access to content at the same time as their peers. Bookshare's online library is free to eligible U.S. students.   Learn…

  • Talking Books and Players

    The Orange County Library System offers the Talking Books program to residents of Orange County who cannot easily use printed materials, including those who are visually impaired, have a reading disability, or unable to use print material due to a physical disability. A talking book is the complete text of a printed book recorded on a…

  • TOPAZ® HD Magnifier

    Located on the fourth floor of the Orlando Public Library, this desktop video magnifier provides clear and sharp magnification of documents, newspapers, photos, and other items displayed on a 24-inch monitor.

  • Assistive Catalog and Internet Stations

    All branch locations and the fourth floor of the Orlando Public Library house assistive vision stations that include JAWS for Windows, MAGic Screen Magnification, OpenBook, a 19-inch monitor, and a Braille keyboard: Jaws for Windows is a software program that uses a speech synthesizer to read aloud all text that appears on the screen. MAGic Screen…

  • Freedom Box Software

    Our public access computers that have a sound card and CD-ROM are compatible with Freedom Box software.  If you are using it on one of our computers that has the JAWS software, you will NOT need to bring up JAWS itself.  

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North Orange Branch Closure

North Orange Branch is closed for repair. A date for reopening has yet to be established. Learn more about the North Orange
Branch closing >