Item is currently checked out to a patron. A hold can be placed on this item.
Not Available
Item is temporarily unavailable for check-out. If you notice a status of Not Available for an item on your Requests (Holds) list, please contact Special Services at 407.835.7461 or send an e-mail to
In Transit
Item is moving from one location to another. This message stays on the item for several days, so there is a possibility it is on the shelf at its home library location.
Check Shelves
Item should be on the shelf and available for check-out.
+1 Hold
This indicates that the item has a previous hold placed on it.
In Processing
Item is a new addition to the collection and is being processed to be added to the collection. This message stays on the item for several days as it clears processing and is being delivered to its home location. A hold can be placed on this item.
The item has been withdrawn from the collection. Please notify us if you have a hold that is showing on a withdrawn item.