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  • How do I delete items off My Reading History?

    To delete an item or multiple items off My Reading History, Log in to your library card account Click on the My Reading History button Click the box next to the item or items that you wish to delete Click on the Delete Marked button below You can also delete all the items in your…

  • Why is there nothing under My Reading History?

    The My Reading History feature is not retroactive. Only items checked out to you after you turn it on will be listed. If you have checked out items and it does not show on My Reading History, first check to see if you have it turned on. If it is turned on, you may need…

  • How do I activate/deactivate My Reading History?

    By default, this option will be turned off. In order to activate this feature, Log in to your library card account Click on the My Reading History button on the right On the next screen, near the bottom left, click on the Opt In button To deactivate this feature, Log in to your library card…

  • What is My Reading History?

    My Reading History creates a list of the material you’ve previously checked out from the Orange County Library System for your personal reference. My Reading History is maintained as part of your account and can be turned on or off by you. Learn more about this feature. Once you have activated My Reading History you…

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North Orange Branch Closure

North Orange Branch is closed for repair. A date for reopening has yet to be established. Learn more about the North Orange
Branch closing >