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  • Preschool Fun: Clouds!

    Preschool Fun: Clouds!

    Welcome to another edition of Preschool Fun! This week we’re going to have fun with … clouds! First, go outside and look up. Do you see clouds? If so, ask your child: Are the big or small? Are they puffy or flat? What do they look like?   What is a cloud? What color are…

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  • Preschool Fun Puppies!

    Preschool Fun: Puppies!

    Practicing social distancing, but needing new activities to do with your toddler or preschooler? We’ve got you covered! Welcome to another edition of Preschool Fun! This week we’re celebrating puppies. Start by asking your child a few questions about puppies, just for fun! It’s always fun hearing their answers. What does a puppy sound like? …

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  • Preschool Fun: Colors!

    Preschool Fun: Colors!

    You’re home with your child and you don’t know what to do next. You want something educational, but fun, and you’ve watched far too much Paw Patrol. We get it! Though you can’t come to the library for one of our awesome programs, we can bring library ideas to you. Each week I’ll post a…

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    9 Hobbies to Try in 2017

    The start of a new year always brings an excitement to refresh and enhance your daily life. We’ve put together a list of new hobbies and interests – and how to get started – for you to consider in 2017.

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North Orange Branch Closure

North Orange Branch is closed for repair. A date for reopening has yet to be established. Learn more about the North Orange
Branch closing >