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from the director

  • From the Director, January 2021

    From the Director, January 2021

    To say that 2020 was a tumultuous year would be a gross understatement, so I think it’s only natural that most of us are hoping for a fresh start in 2021. While the pandemic continues to impact our lives as we ring in this new year, I hope you won’t let that dampen your optimism…

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  • From the Director, December 2020

    From the Director, December 2020

    What gets you out of bed in the morning? For some people, it’s seeing friends or going to restaurants. For others, it’s family or a favorite hobby.  For some, though, it’s a simple love of something light and fun, and maybe even seemingly trivial, that brings a smile to people’s faces. And that is what…

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  • From the Director, November 2020

    From the Director, November 2020

    November is a month for reflection. It’s a time when our thoughts turn inward, to focus on the goodness in our lives. It’s a time to be with our friends and our families to share food and conversation. It’s a time for togetherness and a time to give thanks.  For many people, it’s going to be…

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  • From the Director, October 2020

    From the Director, October 2020

    The pandemic has changed the way we do just about everything, from work to school to leisure activities. Now, as we’re about to enter the holiday season, it’s changing how we celebrate special occasions. Halloween is upon us, and the CDC made recommendations against sending kids out trick or treating and suggested that parents instead…

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  • From the Director, August 2020

    From the Director, August 2020

    In June, Orange County Library System published a statement on our website opposing hatred, racism and intolerance. The post was made after protests erupted around the nation, calling for reform in response to the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer. As an organization, we feel it’s our role to use our resources…

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  • From the Director, July 2020

    From the Director, July 2020

    Every year, leading up to June, Orange County Library System makes a big push to let everyone know about our Summer Reading Program for children. There’s good reason for that – we spend so much time and effort crafting educational, fun and engaging programs for kids of all ages that we want everyone in the…

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  • From the Director, June 2020

    From the Director, June 2020

    June is usually one of the busiest months at the library. Our annual Summer Reading Program is underway, and families flock to our locations to attend performances, bring their kids to one of our camps, and attend programs for young and old. This year, COVID-19 has required us to rethink the way we operate, and…

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  • From the Director, February 2020

    From the Director, February 2020

    In 1976, President Gerald Ford became the first president to officially recognize Black History Month. He called upon the nation to, “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.” Ever since then, every U.S. president has designated February as Black History Month, and…

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  • From the Director,January 2020

    From the Director, January 2020

    The New Year is here, and our staff is ready to hit the ground running! We have an exciting month ahead for you in January, starting with the reopening of our Southeast Branch, which has been closed for a refresh since December 1. When the branch reopens on January 7, expect a fresh new look,…

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North Orange Branch Closure

North Orange Branch is closed for repair. A date for reopening has yet to be established. Learn more about the North Orange
Branch closing >