How can I sort my checked-out items by due date?

Items listed under “items currently checked out” are sorted by default by check-out date. This list can appear to be random depending on the type of format of the items checked out (book or DVD) or if something has been renewed. You should see a button titled “Sort by Due Date” just above the buttons for renewing items.

After you click on that button, your list of items is sorted by due date making it easy to tell when something is due. Note that after you click on this button and the list is reorganized by due date, the button has changed from “Sort by Due Date” to “Sort by Checkout”.

The button toggles between a due date list and a checkout date list. If you renew any items, the list is sorted by checkout date. You will have to click on the “Sort by Due Date” button to re-sort the list.

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